Working as a transdisciplinary scholar can be tricky: one can take neither authors nor audiences nor citation pools for granted. Neither is any proper question answered by saying you should have read what I have read. In that spirit I share what I am actively learning myself. I assume here that we have differential and on-going knowledges, that these take up their own range of details, and that we hope to companion well. Not assuming we all already know each other, I often characterize personal names briefly. Audiences of all kinds today are in the middle of actively diverging in practices as well as unpredictable in their circulations. Indeed, “author-ness” and its responsibilities to authorship and authority are dispersed, distributed, mixing up many collectives, playing among boundary objects whether they know it or not.
• Being inside and moved around literally by the very material and conceptual structures you are analyzing and writing about is a kind of self-consciousness only partially available for explicit, or direct discussion
• Under global academic restructuring we are obliged to network among all these lively agencies, as we look to see things as they exist for others, in different degrees of resolution, of grain of detail.
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some image credits:
•Anzaldua La Nepantlera:
•Bateson photo, with permission, by Barry Schwartz:
•Boundary object cycle: from Star 2010
•Boundary object jellyfish coloring image:
•Caral proto-khipu:
•Crochet in Tree:
•Clay tokens & envelope:•Computer terminal:
•Khipu: from the Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, Germany:
•Queen: google image search screen shot Live Aid
•Segmenting egg: P.M Motta & S. Makabe: Science Photo Library:
•Stigmergic: Patrick Vincent: Lawrence arts center:
•Swarm intelligence graphic:
•US Senate:
•Water, Land, and Ecosystems Map:
Katie makes her drawings using the app Paper:
companions, gatherings, more sympoiesis:
Video: An Atomic View of Brain Activity
Video: An Atomic View of Brain Activity
(Video credit: Wilhelm et al. 2014, Science)